Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our busy days..

We celebrate adoption day each year (Sept.22). It's the day everything was made official. We treat it like a birthday. For some reason that has also meant going to Chuckie Cheese each year also. The boys did great this year. Normally they won't go near the moving Chuckie Cheese, oh what a year can mean!
Carter enjoyed the pony ride at Chuckie Cheese. They each had tokens to spend. Max wouldn't stand still long enough to get a picture of him, but they each had so much fun! We are the luckiest parents in the world!

Spiderman!!!! A sneak peek at their Halloween costumes. They had their minds set on being Spiderman. We're just glad they picked different colors!

Clones vs. Hawks. We always watch the annual game at Dave and Dana's. They are Hawk fans, and we are Clone fans. So we always take a pic of the kids in their gear. Even baby Reagan got to be in our pic this year. Look at that cute little girl!!

Potty training is going awesome! We are very big boys and only wear diapers at night time. Max was the one that took the longest! Great job bubby!

Carter is loving being a big boy. He has done so well with potty training. Again, he only wears diapers at night. Good job baby!

Daddy dug out some old toys of his and the boys had a blast playing with them. Here is Daddy's GI-Joe plane. Max wouldn't put it down!

Carter found a caterpillar this weekend and it is his new best friend! He has it in a container, but has a hard time leaving it alone. To cute!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Reagan Marie Zahn

Our beautiful new niece was born on Thurs. Sept.4. She was in the NICU for a couple of days, but is now home. Reagan has a cyst on her pancreas that will be looked at tomorrow to see what needs to be done. Oh, she's so little...and CUTE!
Look at those boys checking out their new cousin. They have been so excited to meet her. They have both been rubbing Aunt Dana's tummy and trying to see Reagan through her belly button(they actually thought they would be able to see the baby through it- how cute!)

Oh, poor Reagan has no idea the trouble they are all going to get into. Her big sister Allison was to busy playing dress-up when we were over, so she isn't in any of these pics, but she loves her little sister!

Uncle Dan checking out his new little niece. Uncle Dan loves little girls!

And then there is Aunt Nicole who loves to spoil her nieces! We are so excited to finally meet Reagan and can't wait to watch her grow!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Omaha Zoo!

This is our second attempt at the Omaha Zoo this summer. The first time we went there was a tornado that weekend and most of the zoo was closed. The boys and I along with Aunt Erin hit the zoo this weekend and had so much fun.
Max cooling off with an ice cream sandwich. It was 90 degrees that day!

Carter enjoying his ice cream. It was melting faster than he could eat it!

The boys picked out penguins at the gift shop. They insisted on carrying the penguins around the zoo most of the day like this. They were swimming or flying- who knows. Every animal they looked at, their penguins did also. Hanging them over the fence to see everything. It was really cute!
One of our favorite parts was the aquarium. There are sharks, sea turtles, sting rays swimming all around you and over you. We love to watch them!
Checking out the giraffes. There were mommy ones and baby ones. Their favorite of the day though was the gorillas. The pics didn't turn out because of the glare on the glass(as they are inside). The gorillas were showing off and playing. Max and Carter really liked them.

How many teeth are in that shark mouth??

Saturday morning-Chocolate chip pancake time!

Carter loved the pancakes he helped make. His favorite part is the chocolate!!
Oh, I love me a couple of chocolate chip pancakes! This has become a thing we make most Sat. mornings. The boys love them!

Our yummy pancakes cooking!

Max helping mix the pancakes. The boys love to help mommy cook and bake. Notice Max is already dressed in his basketball shirt and shorts. His favorite gear to wear. He has to get dressed the minute he wakes up.

Carter helping mix the pancakes. He likes to help pour the ingredients in. Max wasn't up yet. And then there is Carter... he would wear jammies all day if we let him. The kid doesn't like to get dressed- he'd actually like to be nude if I let him do that! Oh, Saturday mornings....