Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sprinkler Fun!

Carter having fun with grammy's 2 sprinklers!
Max running from sprinkler to sprinkler!

Max grabbing a drink of water!

Carter can't get enough water to drink!

Drinking the yummy sprinkler water!

Max finally in the sprinkler. I have been trying to get this kid in the sprinkler for the past 2 years. Way to go buddy!

We spent lots of time outside this weekend playing in sprinklers. We played at our house and at grammy's.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Iowa State Fair

We made our annual trip to the Iowa State Fair this past weekend. Max was in a funk that day,and didn't really enjoy the fair the way we thought he would. Carter on the other hand had a blast. We went with Dave, Dana and Allison. Carter and Allison rocked out with Bob the Builder. They all played at the Little Hands on the farm exhibit. The big yellow slide is always a hit. The best part of the day....corn dogs!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Our first blog!

This is our attempt to keep our family and friends updated better. Please feel free to check back whenever you like to see what the 4 Zahn's have been up to! I will do my best to keep it updated! Enjoy our family!!

We went to the zoo, and the boys had a great time. They are such hams with the camera sometimes! The boys love to play dress-up also. We have also spent some time at the pool this summer. They are becoming little fish.